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Aromatic Oil

Essential Oils

It is hard for me to summarise how much a part of my life these little drops of pure plant medicine have become.

My aromatherapy journey

I got started with my first kit of oils nearly a decade ago. It was an old school friend who, at the time lived in NYC, and I lived on a dairy farm in Rural BOP NZ, introduced me to the oils that she was using for her young family and yoga studio. She was building a business with Young Living, and I was curious. So I took the plunge and ordered a starter kit of oils with a diffuser… and my life was changed forever.

I know that probably sounds super cheesy, but it is 100 percent truth.

Fast forward to today, I am a registered massage therapist, an aerial fitness and yoga instructor. All of which has happened because of my path using and sharing these oils. I use them every single day, not only in my practice at work, and with my clients, but at home for wellbeing support, for first aid, for cleaning and for pretty smells of course too.


I would love to share with you more about my journey and answer any questions that you may have about the company and the oils that I use. There really is so much to learn and so much to be wary of when choosing essential oils that you want to use for medicinal, therapeutic purposes. So much of what is on the market is synthetic, made in a laboratory and labeled as natural. 


Plants contain powerful properties and naturally occurring chemicals which can be extracted as concentrated Essential Oils and used for a variety of different purposes to support our wellness journeys.

Essential Oils are different from Fatty Oils, as they are tiny molecules and are easily absorbed into our skin and our cells. And they are aromatic and powerful at unlocking memory and trauma in our bodies and minds.


That is just a little snippet of information to share, but as I say there is so much to learn!

You don’t have to know much to just get started, all you have to know is that you are feeling "CALLED" to learn more.

If you are wanting to investigate the investment on the Starter Kits I will supply the link below.


This link walks you through the steps to create a wholesale account with Young Living Essential Oils.

What is a wholesale account?


  • You become a “ brand ambassador” for Young Living by ordering any starter kit of oils you prefer.

  • You then get 24% Of retail pricing on any future order ( you don’t have to order ever again if you don’t want to).

  • You get the ability to earn a commission on any orders which you have referred to Young Living ( like I am referring you now).

  • You get access to the Essential Rewards Program ( totally optional) like Fly BUYS you get points for every dollar you spend and then can redeem them for free oils if you decide to enrol in this monthly order program. You also get access to special bundles only available to ER orders.

  • You get access to the Virtual Office and a global community of Oil enthusiasts.

  • You have access to me as your mentor and I can guide you to the best of my ability.



But that is all the business stuff, really the magic is in the plants and helping people. 


I hope that I have given you something to think about and please let me know how else I can be of service as you explore the wonderful world of therapeutic grade essential oils. I'd be more than happy to schedule some time to go over the business and the products and answer any questions you have.

Om shanti,


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