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Chakra Balancing

Chakra Balancing with Tuning Forks & Crystal Placements

45 min
75 New Zealand dollars
In Tune Massage Therapy & Yoga Studio

Service Description

The word Chakra comes from an ancient Indian language known as Sanskrit, chakra means vortex, spinning wheel or circle. Chakras are the major centres of spiritual power in the human body and are circles of energy which balance, store and distribute the energies of life all through our physical body. These chakras start at the base of the spine and move upwards to the last one at the crown of the head. They coincide with the positions along the spinal cord of the major nerve ganglia in our physical body. If you could imagine chakras as circles of energy, flowing all the way through our body these circles of energy assist in the running of our body, mind and soul. If a chakra is not performing correctly, this could cause our physical health, mental health and our spiritual selves to suffer. Although there are hundreds of chakras in our body we will only introduce the seven major chakras below. Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Brow and Crown

Cancellation Policy

Please contact me 24 hours before your appointment or class time to cancel or to reschedule. I need as much notice as possible to try to rebook your spot. I often have a waitlist, so appreciate your understanding of my small business. For Retreat & Special Event Cancellations a 50% refund will be available upto 1 week before event, not refundable after that time.

Contact Details

  • 60 Pakeha Street, Matatā, New Zealand


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